In all cultures of the world, the mother represents a fundamental figure in the development of children and is the one who forms the home, her absence for various reasons of life or death represents a void difficult to fill and the father is the one who commonly occupies this space, replaces the mother and fulfills endless responsibilities, in addition to his role as father of the family.
First Nations Children of America
Before the European conquest and all known migrations, North America was home to dozens of ethnic groups with different traditions and languages, as well as a social structure with a political organization, economy, and spirituality based on a deep respect for nature.
What to do, who to call?
When a loved one has passed away, the feeling that it generates is one of surprise and rupture. Uncertainty and disorientation grip us. It does not matter if the person was terminally ill and we had time to prepare ourselves, the impact is always sudden. For this reason, prevention takes on a relevant importance, to have at hand information and a plan to make things easier.
A better life
The title of this installment comes from the film directed by Chris Weitz (2011), in English: A Better Life , which tells the story of a Mexican gardener who works in the United States without legal documents. His life is spent with great effort and risks when pruning the tall palm trees in California, without adequate safety equipment. “Carlos”, the gardener, has a reason to live and that is to achieve a good future for his son.
Times of love, family, and community
Three churches whose foundation is Christianity, coincide in their purpose of forming a community among their followers and strive to overcome the adversities of the times in which we live. With their own visions, they contribute their messages for the traditions or celebrations of the end of the year and each one invites to different reflections.
This body is not me
Most of the people in the world are going to age. And it is good news to spend more time on the planet, but, being so, we will also have to face natural challenges such as loss of mobility, physical strength, memory, sight, hearing, as well as the appearance of diseases that, at some point, they will be disabling. If these conditions were not severe, we could continue to be productive people and bring benefits to society, but no one knows how many opportunities there will be.
Thankfulness is the ultimate virtue
The origin of Thanksgiving goes back to the stories that coincide with the real events experienced by the Puritan settlers of Plymouth, present-day Massachusetts, when they had their first corn harvest, after receiving the help of the native peoples to overcome the adversities of the harsh autumn they faced in 1621.
Music to ease the soul
Since ancient times music has been a source of comfort: it evokes moments of joy or sadness, as well as wishes for good fortune. The ancient Mexicans used to sing the Xochipitzahua, which means little flower. It was performed in all kinds of celebrations, of life and death. To this day, in many Nahuatl-speaking communities, it is used as a ritual to purify births, baptisms, marriages, santorales and funerals.
Stay With Us
The title of this article is part of the information campaign of the Mexican CIMA Foundation, for the prevention of breast cancer, to which they add that suffering from this disease is not a fatal sentence. Activism campaigns have a pink ribbon that distinguishes them.
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage, What Unites Us As Peoples
On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus believed he had reached the so-called Indies of Asia. The following explorers of the New World understood that the Italian had made landfall on an unknown continent, full of human and natural resources that would be favorable for the European economy. It was around the 16th century when the missionary Bartolomé de las Casas denounced the enslavement of the Indians, advocated for the rights of the natives and reported to the king of Spain how the original culture was destroyed.