The loss of a mother represents one of the most terrible pains that a person can suffer. Our culture has placed the maternal role in a privileged and indispensable place because, in addition to providing life, she is a protector, educator, and the one who feeds, which is why it is so difficult to survive her absence.
Music to ease the soul
Since ancient times music has been a source of comfort: it evokes moments of joy or sadness, as well as wishes for good fortune. The ancient Mexicans used to sing the Xochipitzahua, which means little flower. It was performed in all kinds of celebrations, of life and death. To this day, in many Nahuatl-speaking communities, it is used as a ritual to purify births, baptisms, marriages, santorales and funerals.
Mind and Body in Harmony
There is an old phrase that says Healthy mind in a healthy body, which was born as a prayer for the gods to help preserve comprehensive health and maintain a balance of life. By taking care to cultivate a healthy body we bring as a consequence an active and sound mind.