The title of this installment comes from the film directed by Chris Weitz (2011), in English: A Better Life , which tells the story of a Mexican gardener who works in the United States without legal documents. His life is spent with great effort and risks when pruning the tall palm trees in California, without adequate safety equipment. “Carlos”, the gardener, has a reason to live and that is to achieve a good future for his son.
Stay With Us
The title of this article is part of the information campaign of the Mexican CIMA Foundation, for the prevention of breast cancer, to which they add that suffering from this disease is not a fatal sentence. Activism campaigns have a pink ribbon that distinguishes them.
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage, What Unites Us As Peoples
On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus believed he had reached the so-called Indies of Asia. The following explorers of the New World understood that the Italian had made landfall on an unknown continent, full of human and natural resources that would be favorable for the European economy. It was around the 16th century when the missionary Bartolomé de las Casas denounced the enslavement of the Indians, advocated for the rights of the natives and reported to the king of Spain how the original culture was destroyed.