Since ancient times music has been a source of comfort: it evokes moments of joy or sadness, as well as wishes for good fortune. The ancient Mexicans used to sing the Xochipitzahua, which means little flower. It was performed in all kinds of celebrations, of life and death. To this day, in many Nahuatl-speaking communities, it is used as a ritual to purify births, baptisms, marriages, santorales and funerals.
Remember the Dead
This season is full of festivities associated with the end of the summer harvests and the renewal of nature. In various traditions around the world, the dead are known to come to life and approach living people.
Stay With Us
The title of this article is part of the information campaign of the Mexican CIMA Foundation, for the prevention of breast cancer, to which they add that suffering from this disease is not a fatal sentence. Activism campaigns have a pink ribbon that distinguishes them.
Mind and Body in Harmony
There is an old phrase that says Healthy mind in a healthy body, which was born as a prayer for the gods to help preserve comprehensive health and maintain a balance of life. By taking care to cultivate a healthy body we bring as a consequence an active and sound mind.
The September Patriots
In the first year of this century, what has been described as the deadliest attack in human history occurred on the unforgettable morning of September 11. A media transmission and almost in real-time reported on the four commercial planes that were hijacked and diverted from their routes to go to specific targets, in actions that were described as terrorist.
No Desire to Live
At the beginning of this century, mental health specialists in various countries predicted that, by 2020, depression would be the second cause of disability in the population. This prediction was fulfilled and exceeded as it was one of the consequences of the recent pandemic. In total, every 40 seconds, a person takes their own life somewhere in the world.
Houston Shakespeare Festival
The festival was first presented in 1975 when Sidney Berger, then director of the University of Houston School of Theater met with the administrators of the Miller Theater, in its open-air auditorium in Hermann Park, to present William Shakespeare on that stage. Thus, an agenda was planned to mount two plays each summer and offer them to the public for free. It is a unique collaboration between the city and university.
Prevent The Drowning
With the arrival of the hot summer, recreational activities in swimming pools, beaches, and walks to lakes, and rivers accessible for swimming become convenient. It is also time to take preventive actions to avoid drowning, which is more common than we imagine since it is considered among the 10 main causes of death among children and young people between the ages of 1 and 24, but it is a risk that everyone runs. The humanity.
Hospices For The End Of Life
Nowadays there is an increasingly widespread culture of acceptance of death when it comes to terminal patients whose conditions can no longer be treated with advances in medical science. In those moments, many people affirm that they want to spend their last days assisted in their physical needs, enjoy the company of their loved ones, order pending issues, and surround themselves with a spiritual environment outside the hospitals where they are treated.
Tobacco, A Pleasure Of Risk
Tobacco was discovered by Europeans on their voyages of exploration to what they called the New World. Since ancient times, it was cultivated in the Antilles, in the Andes and in North America where it was used in religious ceremonies, celebration of marital ceremonies, births or as a sign of closing agreements, everyone knows the expression “smoking the pipe of peace” . Europeans were fascinated by the flavor that this plant gave off when burned and inhaled through the mouth, so they soon acquired the habit of smoking cigars, that is, rolls of dehydrated tobacco, also called cigars, habanos, or tobacco in pipes and promoted extensive cultivation of this plant in the Americas to market it.