On December 27, 2016, renowned actress Carrie Fisher passed away due to complications from cardiac arrest; the following day, her mother, the also famous Debbie Reynolds suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and died.
Hospices For The End Of Life
Nowadays there is an increasingly widespread culture of acceptance of death when it comes to terminal patients whose conditions can no longer be treated with advances in medical science. In those moments, many people affirm that they want to spend their last days assisted in their physical needs, enjoy the company of their loved ones, order pending issues, and surround themselves with a spiritual environment outside the hospitals where they are treated.
Things to do before dying
Ancient teaching said that before dying a person had to do three things: have children, plant a tree and write a book. Over time, various media have added more purposes to this list, in order to motivate people to value life and make it meaningful. Some mental health experts say that we do not have to wait until the last minute to fulfill our wishes.