The title of this installment comes from the film directed by Chris Weitz (2011), in English: A Better Life , which tells the story of a Mexican gardener who works in the United States without legal documents. His life is spent with great effort and risks when pruning the tall palm trees in California, without adequate safety equipment. “Carlos”, the gardener, has a reason to live and that is to achieve a good future for his son.
World Dog Day
On July 21, World Dog Day has been celebrated since 2004. It is not an official celebration or holiday, but various civil associations, including the WHO, World Health Organization, have scheduled this date in order to raise awareness about the immense number of dogs that are abandoned or waiting to be adopted. It is claimed, according to world statistics, that up to 70% of the dog population is homeless.
Alone Against The World
Since June 23, 2011, the General Assembly of the United Nations has declared a day to make visible and draw the attention of the world population to the vulnerability suffered by women who have lost their husbands, the so-called widows.
What is celebrated on May 5th?
General Ignacio Zaragoza was born in Bahía del Espíritu Santo, today the city of Goliad, Texas. Shortly after the war of independence of that state in 1836, the Zaragoza family went to live in Mexico and Ignacio joined the armed forces in his new country of residence.
Childhood And Fate
Years ago people said a phrase “no one teaches you to be a mother or father” and did what they could. Over time, pedagogical theories began to spread, different models of education, consultancies of all kinds, and medical science advanced so much that childhood became stronger. In our days those who decide to undertake motherhood or fatherhood have various tools to avoid improvising and provide their offspring with an accurate and promising future.
Kiss Me, Kiss Me a Lot
According to the dictionary, to kiss means to touch or oppress someone or something with a movement of the lips as an expression of love, desire, reverence, or as a greeting. Filematology is the unofficial science that studies kisses and investigates their origins, their meaning, the different types of kisses, the physical and mental reactions it provokes. The theory about the origin of the kiss says that it is a practice typical of humanity and arose as a result of breastfeeding or when babies had to be fed through the mouth.
The Silent Enemy
Cancer is the common name given to a group of diseases in which an uncontrolled process is observed in the division of cells in the body. When changes occur in the normal cells of the body, they generate an abnormal growth that gives rise to a lump called a tumor. There are over a hundred documented types of cancer and tumors appear in all except leukemia (cancer of the blood). The word comes from the Greek oncos which means precisely tumor.
Hugs in our Days
The hug is a human expression that motivates the highest thoughts; There is even a World Hug Day, to celebrate this sign of affection. He is credited with Kevin Zaborney, a pastor from the state of Michigan, United States; who cared for young offenders and thought that violent environments, lack of empathy and love for others, had led many young people to crime. He was also concerned about the few displays of affection that people show in public, even between families. So it occurred to him to create a day to hug and his community shared it. It was established in a United States calendar for the first time on January 21, 1986 and soon became popular and spread to the world.
Things to do before dying
Ancient teaching said that before dying a person had to do three things: have children, plant a tree and write a book. Over time, various media have added more purposes to this list, in order to motivate people to value life and make it meaningful. Some mental health experts say that we do not have to wait until the last minute to fulfill our wishes.
The empty chair, the absent and the present
Gestalt psychotherapy, according to its scholars, offers the technique called the empty chair for the purpose of healing conflicting emotions or unfinished business that could not be resolved with certain people and is very useful when it comes to absent loved ones. The exercise in therapy consists of sitting in front of an empty chair and imagining that the person with whom we have issues to resolve is sitting there and it is about talking as if they were listening. Many people have given testimonies of a liberating experience by expressing oppressed feelings and emotions to those who for various reasons could not say them in their real presence.