When peace of mind is lost or never had, there can be serious physical and psychological consequences, regardless of the cause.
Francine Shapiro, PhD.
The first psychological therapies were developed at the end of the 19th century and have evolved as mental health has become a priority to improve people’s lives. In particular, it is very recent the attention given to the so-called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which consists of the impossibility of recovering from a serious emotional experience that generates physiological damage to the nervous system and consequences in the body’s health.
This has allowed that, in recent times, more and more people find the hope of healing and the certainty that this is possible through a wide variety of options of emotional therapies with scientific basis; an example is the EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) created by Dr. Francine Shapiro in the late 80s.
According to the specialist, under certain conditions, the movement of the eyes could reduce the anguish linked to negative thoughts. The experience of a traumatic event triggers a biochemical response in the brain that blocks the processing of information and isolates it in a neural network with the same emotions and physical sensations that were experienced in that negative situation.
In 1989, Shapiro conducted research with Vietnam veterans suffering from war trauma and sexually abused people and found that EMDR significantly reduced their stress. Bilateral stimulation of the eye movement from left to right unblocks the negative information contained in the nervous system, it is restructured and reprocessed in the form of undisturbed memories. In 2013 the WHO formally approved this procedure for use by adults and infants.
According to Dr. Ignacio Jarero of the EMDR Organization for Mexico and Latin America, when the brain has not been able to process adverse experiences, patients suffer anxiety and depression. For a person with trauma, the past is always the present, but through therapy, the most terrible memories can be changed. This organization takes the work of alleviating the human suffering produced by psychological trauma anywhere, and they do it on a voluntary basis.
Throughout life, we will all be susceptible to loss and experience traumatic emotions, so knowing emotional therapy can be a helpful resource. Whether it’s EMDR or any option of your choice, we suggest these #tools to make the best decision:
- Before starting any treatment: research the basics and if it is, as in the case of EMDR, professional therapists certified by health institutions.
- Always question everything you read or hear about any procedure, and seek reliable sources.
- It is in your hands to heal, you don’t have to live with that pain or anguish forever.
- In the City of Houston you can contact emdrtherapy Institution to learn more about EMDR
At Del Pueblo Funeral Home, we want the new year to be the beginning of a transformation that will allow you to manage adverse situations without fear and with feelings of self-confidence. Because we believe that it is possible to be happy, we remind you that we make the most difficult moments easy.